Video podcast – Exercises for tendonitis and carpal tunnel (for those who got RSI problem)

April 6, 2009

Good tips 🙂

Why is people hafta learn a lot of thing???

July 3, 2006

In portfolio of semi-designer-semi-technicians like me I found a lot of portfolio with -lotsa-programs-I-know-how-to-use- list. Like he can use photoshop,illustrator,golive,after effect,flash,director and everything else…

Scary list…really scary…and most of them hv it. But then I realize that I understand about most of  that -lotsa-programs-I-know-how-to-use-

Just thinking, maybe learning that much program wont give us too much stress, really no, if you are falling in love with technical stuff already.

If you are an car mechanic, you wont need to learn how to use screwdriver “minus”, and then learn more how to use the “plus” one, you just know how to use them naturally…

Thats happen also to us, semi-designer-semi-technician, we dont need to learn photoshop, and take same ammount of time to learn illustrator… It will cut half or more to learn second one. And one another can combine or subtitute to make a good product.

Anyway, I love people who wanna go crazy with that -lotsa-programs-I-know-how-to-use- , wanna learn a new things is exciting (even if that good words never can erase the fact that I hate maya and I didnt pass the animation exam)… damn… its hurt